001    /*
002     *  Copyright 2001-2011 Stephen Colebourne
003     *
004     *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005     *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006     *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009     *
010     *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011     *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012     *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013     *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014     *  limitations under the License.
015     */
016    package org.joda.time;
018    /**
019     * Defines a partial time that does not support every datetime field, and is
020     * thus a local time.
021     * <p>
022     * A {@code ReadablePartial} supports a subset of those fields on the chronology.
023     * It cannot be compared to a {@code ReadableInstant}, as it does not fully
024     * specify an instant in time. The time it does specify is a local time, and does
025     * not include a time zone.
026     * <p>
027     * A {@code ReadablePartial} can be converted to a {@code ReadableInstant}
028     * using the {@code toDateTime} method. This works by providing a full base
029     * instant that can be used to 'fill in the gaps' and specify a time zone.
030     * <p>
031     * {@code ReadablePartial} is {@code Comparable} from v2.0.
032     * The comparison is based on the fields, compared in order, from largest to smallest.
033     * The first field that is non-equal is used to determine the result.
034     *
035     * @author Stephen Colebourne
036     * @since 1.0
037     */
038    public interface ReadablePartial extends Comparable<ReadablePartial> {
040        /**
041         * Gets the number of fields that this partial supports.
042         *
043         * @return the number of fields supported
044         */
045        int size();
047        /**
048         * Gets the field type at the specified index.
049         *
050         * @param index  the index to retrieve
051         * @return the field at the specified index
052         * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid
053         */
054        DateTimeFieldType getFieldType(int index);
056        /**
057         * Gets the field at the specified index.
058         *
059         * @param index  the index to retrieve
060         * @return the field at the specified index
061         * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid
062         */
063        DateTimeField getField(int index);
065        /**
066         * Gets the value at the specified index.
067         *
068         * @param index  the index to retrieve
069         * @return the value of the field at the specified index
070         * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid
071         */
072        int getValue(int index);
074        /**
075         * Gets the chronology of the partial which is never null.
076         * <p>
077         * The {@link Chronology} is the calculation engine behind the partial and
078         * provides conversion and validation of the fields in a particular calendar system.
079         * 
080         * @return the chronology, never null
081         */
082        Chronology getChronology();
084        /**
085         * Gets the value of one of the fields.
086         * <p>
087         * The field type specified must be one of those that is supported by the partial.
088         *
089         * @param field  a DateTimeFieldType instance that is supported by this partial
090         * @return the value of that field
091         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field is null or not supported
092         */
093        int get(DateTimeFieldType field);
095        /**
096         * Checks whether the field type specified is supported by this partial.
097         *
098         * @param field  the field to check, may be null which returns false
099         * @return true if the field is supported
100         */
101        boolean isSupported(DateTimeFieldType field);
103        /**
104         * Converts this partial to a full datetime by resolving it against another
105         * datetime.
106         * <p>
107         * This method takes the specified datetime and sets the fields from this
108         * instant on top. The chronology from the base instant is used.
109         * <p>
110         * For example, if this partial represents a time, then the result of this
111         * method will be the datetime from the specified base instant plus the
112         * time from this partial.
113         *
114         * @param baseInstant  the instant that provides the missing fields, null means now
115         * @return the combined datetime
116         */
117        DateTime toDateTime(ReadableInstant baseInstant);
119        //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
120        /**
121         * Compares this partial with the specified object for equality based
122         * on the supported fields, chronology and values.
123         * <p>
124         * Two instances of ReadablePartial are equal if they have the same
125         * chronology, same field types (in same order) and same values.
126         *
127         * @param partial  the object to compare to
128         * @return true if equal
129         */
130        boolean equals(Object partial);
132        /**
133         * Gets a hash code for the partial that is compatible with the 
134         * equals method.
135         * <p>
136         * The formula used must be:
137         * <pre>
138         *  int total = 157;
139         *  for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
140         *      total = 23 * total + values[i];
141         *      total = 23 * total + fieldTypes[i].hashCode();
142         *  }
143         *  total += chronology.hashCode();
144         *  return total;
145         * </pre>
146         *
147         * @return a suitable hash code
148         */
149        int hashCode();
151        //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
152    //  This is commented out to improve backwards compatibility
153    //    /**
154    //     * Compares this partial with another returning an integer
155    //     * indicating the order.
156    //     * <p>
157    //     * The fields are compared in order, from largest to smallest.
158    //     * The first field that is non-equal is used to determine the result.
159    //     * Thus a year-hour partial will first be compared on the year, and then
160    //     * on the hour.
161    //     * <p>
162    //     * The specified object must be a partial instance whose field types
163    //     * match those of this partial. If the partial instance has different
164    //     * fields then a {@code ClassCastException} is thrown.
165    //     *
166    //     * @param partial  an object to check against
167    //     * @return negative if this is less, zero if equal, positive if greater
168    //     * @throws ClassCastException if the partial is the wrong class
169    //     *  or if it has field types that don't match
170    //     * @throws NullPointerException if the partial is null
171    //     * @since 2.0, previously on {@code AbstractPartial}
172    //     */
173    //    int compareTo(ReadablePartial partial);
175        //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
176        /**
177         * Get the value as a String in a recognisable ISO8601 format, only
178         * displaying supported fields.
179         * <p>
180         * The string output is in ISO8601 format to enable the String
181         * constructor to correctly parse it.
182         *
183         * @return the value as an ISO8601 string
184         */
185        String toString();
187    }