An immutable time period specifying a set of duration field values.
A time period is divided into a number of fields, such as hours and seconds. Which fields are supported is defined by the PeriodType class. The default is the standard period type, which supports years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds and millis.
When this time period is added to an instant, the effect is of adding each field in turn.
As a result, this takes into account daylight savings time.
Adding a time period of 1 day to the day before daylight savings starts will only add
23 hours rather than 24 to ensure that the time remains the same.
If this is not the behaviour you want, then see Duration
The definition of a period also affects the equals method. A period of 1 day is not equal to a period of 24 hours, nor 1 hour equal to 60 minutes. This is because periods represent an abstracted definition of a time period (eg. a day may not actually be 24 hours, it might be 23 or 25 at daylight savings boundary). To compare the actual duration of two periods, convert both to durations using toDuration, an operation that emphasises that the result may differ according to the date you choose.
Period is thread-safe and immutable, provided that the PeriodType is as well. All standard PeriodType classes supplied are thread-safe and immutable.
Serialized FormField Summary | |
static Period |
A period of zero length and standard period type. |
Constructor Summary | |
Creates a new empty period with the standard set of fields. |
Period(int hours,
int minutes,
int seconds,
int millis)
Create a period from a set of field values using the standard set of fields. |
Period(int years,
int months,
int weeks,
int days,
int hours,
int minutes,
int seconds,
int millis)
Create a period from a set of field values using the standard set of fields. |
Period(int years,
int months,
int weeks,
int days,
int hours,
int minutes,
int seconds,
int millis,
PeriodType type)
Create a period from a set of field values. |
Period(long duration)
Creates a period from the given millisecond duration using the standard set of fields. |
Period(long duration,
Chronology chronology)
Creates a period from the given millisecond duration using the standard set of fields. |
Period(long startInstant,
long endInstant)
Creates a period from the given interval endpoints using the standard set of fields. |
Period(long startInstant,
long endInstant,
Chronology chrono)
Creates a period from the given interval endpoints using the standard set of fields. |
Period(long startInstant,
long endInstant,
PeriodType type)
Creates a period from the given interval endpoints. |
Period(long startInstant,
long endInstant,
PeriodType type,
Chronology chrono)
Creates a period from the given interval endpoints. |
Period(long duration,
PeriodType type)
Creates a period from the given millisecond duration. |
Period(long duration,
PeriodType type,
Chronology chronology)
Creates a period from the given millisecond duration. |
Period(Object period)
Creates a period by converting or copying from another object. |
Period(Object period,
Chronology chrono)
Creates a period by converting or copying from another object. |
Period(Object period,
PeriodType type)
Creates a period by converting or copying from another object. |
Period(Object period,
PeriodType type,
Chronology chrono)
Creates a period by converting or copying from another object. |
Period(ReadableDuration duration,
ReadableInstant endInstant)
Creates a period from the given duration and end point. |
Period(ReadableDuration duration,
ReadableInstant endInstant,
PeriodType type)
Creates a period from the given duration and end point. |
Period(ReadableInstant startInstant,
ReadableDuration duration)
Creates a period from the given start point and the duration. |
Period(ReadableInstant startInstant,
ReadableDuration duration,
PeriodType type)
Creates a period from the given start point and the duration. |
Period(ReadableInstant startInstant,
ReadableInstant endInstant)
Creates a period from the given interval endpoints using the standard set of fields. |
Period(ReadableInstant startInstant,
ReadableInstant endInstant,
PeriodType type)
Creates a period from the given interval endpoints. |
Period(ReadablePartial start,
ReadablePartial end)
Creates a period from two partially specified times. |
Period(ReadablePartial start,
ReadablePartial end,
PeriodType type)
Creates a period from two partially specified times. |
Method Summary | |
static Period |
days(int days)
Create a period with a specified number of days. |
static Period |
fieldDifference(ReadablePartial start,
ReadablePartial end)
Creates a period from two partially specified times, calculating by field difference. |
int |
Gets the days field part of the period. |
int |
Gets the hours field part of the period. |
int |
Gets the millis field part of the period. |
int |
Gets the minutes field part of the period. |
int |
Gets the months field part of the period. |
int |
Gets the seconds field part of the period. |
int |
Gets the weeks field part of the period. |
int |
Gets the years field part of the period. |
static Period |
hours(int hours)
Create a period with a specified number of hours. |
static Period |
millis(int millis)
Create a period with a specified number of millis. |
Period |
minus(ReadablePeriod period)
Returns a new period with the specified period subtracted. |
Period |
minusDays(int days)
Returns a new period minus the specified number of days taken away. |
Period |
minusHours(int hours)
Returns a new period minus the specified number of hours taken away. |
Period |
minusMillis(int millis)
Returns a new period minus the specified number of millis taken away. |
Period |
minusMinutes(int minutes)
Returns a new period minus the specified number of minutes taken away. |
Period |
minusMonths(int months)
Returns a new period minus the specified number of months taken away. |
Period |
minusSeconds(int seconds)
Returns a new period minus the specified number of seconds taken away. |
Period |
minusWeeks(int weeks)
Returns a new period minus the specified number of weeks taken away. |
Period |
minusYears(int years)
Returns a new period with the specified number of years taken away. |
static Period |
minutes(int minutes)
Create a period with a specified number of minutes. |
static Period |
months(int months)
Create a period with a specified number of months. |
Period |
Normalizes this period using standard rules, assuming a 12 month year, 7 day week, 24 hour day, 60 minute hour and 60 second minute. |
Period |
normalizedStandard(PeriodType type)
Normalizes this period using standard rules, assuming a 12 month year, 7 day week, 24 hour day, 60 minute hour and 60 second minute, providing control over how the result is split into fields. |
Period |
plus(ReadablePeriod period)
Returns a new period with the specified period added. |
Period |
plusDays(int days)
Returns a new period plus the specified number of days added. |
Period |
plusHours(int hours)
Returns a new period plus the specified number of hours added. |
Period |
plusMillis(int millis)
Returns a new period plus the specified number of millis added. |
Period |
plusMinutes(int minutes)
Returns a new period plus the specified number of minutes added. |
Period |
plusMonths(int months)
Returns a new period plus the specified number of months added. |
Period |
plusSeconds(int seconds)
Returns a new period plus the specified number of seconds added. |
Period |
plusWeeks(int weeks)
Returns a new period plus the specified number of weeks added. |
Period |
plusYears(int years)
Returns a new period with the specified number of years added. |
static Period |
seconds(int seconds)
Create a period with a specified number of seconds. |
Period |
Get this period as an immutable Period object
by returning this . |
Days |
Converts this period to a period in days assuming a 7 day week, 24 hour day, 60 minute hour and 60 second minute. |
Duration |
Converts this period to a duration assuming a 7 day week, 24 hour day, 60 minute hour and 60 second minute. |
Hours |
Converts this period to a period in hours assuming a 7 day week, 24 hour day, 60 minute hour and 60 second minute. |
Minutes |
Converts this period to a period in minutes assuming a 7 day week, 24 hour day, 60 minute hour and 60 second minute. |
Seconds |
Converts this period to a period in seconds assuming a 7 day week, 24 hour day, 60 minute hour and 60 second minute. |
Weeks |
Converts this period to a period in weeks assuming a 7 day week, 24 hour day, 60 minute hour and 60 second minute. |
static Period |
weeks(int weeks)
Create a period with a specified number of weeks. |
Period |
withDays(int days)
Returns a new period with the specified number of days. |
Period |
withField(DurationFieldType field,
int value)
Creates a new Period instance with the specified field set to a new value. |
Period |
withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType field,
int value)
Creates a new Period instance with the valueToAdd added to the specified field. |
Period |
withFields(ReadablePeriod period)
Creates a new Period instance with the fields from the specified period copied on top of those from this period. |
Period |
withHours(int hours)
Returns a new period with the specified number of hours. |
Period |
withMillis(int millis)
Returns a new period with the specified number of millis. |
Period |
withMinutes(int minutes)
Returns a new period with the specified number of minutes. |
Period |
withMonths(int months)
Returns a new period with the specified number of months. |
Period |
withPeriodType(PeriodType type)
Creates a new Period instance with the same field values but different PeriodType. |
Period |
withSeconds(int seconds)
Returns a new period with the specified number of seconds. |
Period |
withWeeks(int weeks)
Returns a new period with the specified number of weeks. |
Period |
withYears(int years)
Returns a new period with the specified number of years. |
static Period |
years(int years)
Create a period with a specified number of years. |
Methods inherited from class org.joda.time.base.BasePeriod |
getFieldType, getPeriodType, getValue, size, toDurationFrom, toDurationTo |
Methods inherited from class org.joda.time.base.AbstractPeriod |
equals, get, getFieldTypes, getValues, hashCode, indexOf, isSupported, toMutablePeriod, toString, toString |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
Methods inherited from interface org.joda.time.ReadablePeriod |
equals, get, getFieldType, getPeriodType, getValue, hashCode, isSupported, size, toMutablePeriod, toString |
Field Detail |
public static final Period ZERO
Constructor Detail |
public Period()
One way to initialise a period is as follows:
Period = new Period().withYears(6).withMonths(3).withSeconds(23);Bear in mind that this creates four period instances in total, three of which are immediately discarded. The alterative is more efficient, but less readable:
Period = new Period(6, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23, 0);The following is also slightly less wasteful:
Period = Period.years(6).withMonths(3).withSeconds(23);
public Period(int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int millis)
- amount of hours in this periodminutes
- amount of minutes in this periodseconds
- amount of seconds in this periodmillis
- amount of milliseconds in this periodpublic Period(int years, int months, int weeks, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int millis)
- amount of years in this periodmonths
- amount of months in this periodweeks
- amount of weeks in this perioddays
- amount of days in this periodhours
- amount of hours in this periodminutes
- amount of minutes in this periodseconds
- amount of seconds in this periodmillis
- amount of milliseconds in this periodpublic Period(int years, int months, int weeks, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int millis, PeriodType type)
There is usually little need to use this constructor. The period type is used primarily to define how to split an interval into a period. As this constructor already is split, the period type does no real work.
- amount of years in this period, which must be zero if unsupportedmonths
- amount of months in this period, which must be zero if unsupportedweeks
- amount of weeks in this period, which must be zero if unsupporteddays
- amount of days in this period, which must be zero if unsupportedhours
- amount of hours in this period, which must be zero if unsupportedminutes
- amount of minutes in this period, which must be zero if unsupportedseconds
- amount of seconds in this period, which must be zero if unsupportedmillis
- amount of milliseconds in this period, which must be zero if unsupportedtype
- which set of fields this period supports, null means AllType
- if an unsupported field's value is non-zeropublic Period(long duration)
Only precise fields in the period type will be used. For the standard period type this is the time fields only. Thus the year, month, week and day fields will not be populated.
If the duration is small, less than one day, then this method will perform as you might expect and split the fields evenly.
If the duration is larger than one day then all the remaining duration will be stored in the largest available precise field, hours in this case.
For example, a duration equal to (365 + 60 + 5) days will be converted to ((365 + 60 + 5) * 24) hours by this constructor.
For more control over the conversion process, you have two options:
, and from there obtain the period
- the duration, in millisecondspublic Period(long duration, PeriodType type)
Only precise fields in the period type will be used. Imprecise fields will not be populated.
If the duration is small then this method will perform as you might expect and split the fields evenly.
If the duration is large then all the remaining duration will be stored in the largest available precise field. For details as to which fields are precise, review the period type javadoc.
- the duration, in millisecondstype
- which set of fields this period supports, null means standardpublic Period(long duration, Chronology chronology)
Only precise fields in the period type will be used. Imprecise fields will not be populated.
If the duration is small then this method will perform as you might expect and split the fields evenly.
If the duration is large then all the remaining duration will be stored in the largest available precise field. For details as to which fields are precise, review the period type javadoc.
- the duration, in millisecondschronology
- the chronology to use to split the duration, null means ISO defaultpublic Period(long duration, PeriodType type, Chronology chronology)
Only precise fields in the period type will be used. Imprecise fields will not be populated.
If the duration is small then this method will perform as you might expect and split the fields evenly.
If the duration is large then all the remaining duration will be stored in the largest available precise field. For details as to which fields are precise, review the period type javadoc.
- the duration, in millisecondstype
- which set of fields this period supports, null means standardchronology
- the chronology to use to split the duration, null means ISO defaultpublic Period(long startInstant, long endInstant)
- interval start, in millisecondsendInstant
- interval end, in millisecondspublic Period(long startInstant, long endInstant, PeriodType type)
- interval start, in millisecondsendInstant
- interval end, in millisecondstype
- which set of fields this period supports, null means standardpublic Period(long startInstant, long endInstant, Chronology chrono)
- interval start, in millisecondsendInstant
- interval end, in millisecondschrono
- the chronology to use, null means ISO in default zonepublic Period(long startInstant, long endInstant, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
- interval start, in millisecondsendInstant
- interval end, in millisecondstype
- which set of fields this period supports, null means standardchrono
- the chronology to use, null means ISO in default zonepublic Period(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableInstant endInstant)
- interval start, null means nowendInstant
- interval end, null means nowpublic Period(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
- interval start, null means nowendInstant
- interval end, null means nowtype
- which set of fields this period supports, null means standardpublic Period(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end)
The two partials must contain the same fields, thus you can specify
two LocalDate
objects, or two LocalTime
but not one of each.
As these are Partial objects, time zones have no effect on the result.
The two partials must also both be contiguous - see
for a definition.
Both LocalDate
and LocalTime
are contiguous.
An alternative way of constructing a Period from two Partials
is fieldDifference(ReadablePartial, ReadablePartial)
That method handles all kinds of partials.
- the start of the period, must not be nullend
- the end of the period, must not be null
- if the partials are null or invalidpublic Period(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end, PeriodType type)
The two partials must contain the same fields, thus you can specify
two LocalDate
objects, or two LocalTime
but not one of each.
As these are Partial objects, time zones have no effect on the result.
The two partials must also both be contiguous - see
for a definition.
Both LocalDate
and LocalTime
are contiguous.
An alternative way of constructing a Period from two Partials
is fieldDifference(ReadablePartial, ReadablePartial)
That method handles all kinds of partials.
- the start of the period, must not be nullend
- the end of the period, must not be nulltype
- which set of fields this period supports, null means standard
- if the partials are null or invalidpublic Period(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableDuration duration)
- the interval start, null means nowduration
- the duration of the interval, null means zero-lengthpublic Period(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableDuration duration, PeriodType type)
- the interval start, null means nowduration
- the duration of the interval, null means zero-lengthtype
- which set of fields this period supports, null means standardpublic Period(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant endInstant)
- the duration of the interval, null means zero-lengthendInstant
- the interval end, null means nowpublic Period(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
- the duration of the interval, null means zero-lengthendInstant
- the interval end, null means nowtype
- which set of fields this period supports, null means standardpublic Period(Object period)
The recognised object types are defined in
include ReadablePeriod, ReadableInterval and String.
The String formats are described by ISOPeriodFormat.standard()
- period to convert
- if period is invalid
- if an unsupported field's value is non-zeropublic Period(Object period, PeriodType type)
The recognised object types are defined in
include ReadablePeriod, ReadableInterval and String.
The String formats are described by ISOPeriodFormat.standard()
- period to converttype
- which set of fields this period supports, null means use converter
- if period is invalid
- if an unsupported field's value is non-zeropublic Period(Object period, Chronology chrono)
The recognised object types are defined in
include ReadablePeriod, ReadableInterval and String.
The String formats are described by ISOPeriodFormat.standard()
- period to convertchrono
- the chronology to use, null means ISO in default zone
- if period is invalid
- if an unsupported field's value is non-zeropublic Period(Object period, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
The recognised object types are defined in
include ReadablePeriod, ReadableInterval and String.
The String formats are described by ISOPeriodFormat.standard()
- period to converttype
- which set of fields this period supports, null means use converterchrono
- the chronology to use, null means ISO in default zone
- if period is invalid
- if an unsupported field's value is non-zeroMethod Detail |
public static Period years(int years)
The standard period type is used, thus you can add other fields such
as months or days using the withXxx()
For example, Period.years(2).withMonths(6);
If you want a year-based period that cannot have other fields added,
then you should consider using Years
- the amount of years in this period
public static Period months(int months)
The standard period type is used, thus you can add other fields such
as years or days using the withXxx()
For example, Period.months(2).withDays(6);
If you want a month-based period that cannot have other fields added,
then you should consider using Months
- the amount of months in this period
public static Period weeks(int weeks)
The standard period type is used, thus you can add other fields such
as months or days using the withXxx()
For example, Period.weeks(2).withDays(6);
If you want a week-based period that cannot have other fields added,
then you should consider using Weeks
- the amount of weeks in this period
public static Period days(int days)
The standard period type is used, thus you can add other fields such
as months or weeks using the withXxx()
For example, Period.days(2).withHours(6);
If you want a day-based period that cannot have other fields added,
then you should consider using Days
- the amount of days in this period
public static Period hours(int hours)
The standard period type is used, thus you can add other fields such
as months or days using the withXxx()
For example, Period.hours(2).withMinutes(30);
If you want a hour-based period that cannot have other fields added,
then you should consider using Hours
- the amount of hours in this period
public static Period minutes(int minutes)
The standard period type is used, thus you can add other fields such
as days or hours using the withXxx()
For example, Period.minutes(2).withSeconds(30);
If you want a minute-based period that cannot have other fields added,
then you should consider using Minutes
- the amount of minutes in this period
public static Period seconds(int seconds)
The standard period type is used, thus you can add other fields such
as days or hours using the withXxx()
For example, Period.seconds(2).withMillis(30);
If you want a second-based period that cannot have other fields added,
then you should consider using Seconds
- the amount of seconds in this period
public static Period millis(int millis)
The standard period type is used, thus you can add other fields such
as days or hours using the withXxx()
For example, Period.millis(20).withSeconds(30);
- the amount of millis in this period
public static Period fieldDifference(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end)
The two partials must contain the same fields, thus you can specify
two LocalDate
objects, or two LocalTime
but not one of each. Also, the partial may not contain overlapping
fields, such as dayOfWeek and dayOfMonth.
Calculation by field difference works by extracting the difference one field at a time and not wrapping into other fields. Thus 2005-06-09/2007-04-12 will yield P1Y-2M3D.
For example, you have an event that always runs from the 27th of each month to the 2nd of the next month. If you calculate this period using a standard constructor, then you will get between P3D and P6D depending on the month. If you use this method, then you will get P1M-25D. This field-difference based period can be successfully applied to each month of the year to obtain the correct end date for a given start date.
- the start of the period, must not be nullend
- the end of the period, must not be null
- if the partials are null or invalidpublic Period toPeriod()
by returning this
in interface ReadablePeriod
in class AbstractPeriod
public int getYears()
public int getMonths()
public int getWeeks()
public int getDays()
public int getHours()
public int getMinutes()
public int getSeconds()
public int getMillis()
public Period withPeriodType(PeriodType type)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the period type to use, null means standard
- if the new period won't accept all of the current fieldspublic Period withFields(ReadablePeriod period)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the period to copy from, null ignored
- if a field type is unsupportedpublic Period withField(DurationFieldType field, int value)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the field to set, not nullvalue
- the value to set to
- if the field type is null or unsupportedpublic Period withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType field, int value)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the field to set, not nullvalue
- the value to add
- if the field type is null or unsupportedpublic Period withYears(int years)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of years to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period withMonths(int months)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of months to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period withWeeks(int weeks)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of weeks to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period withDays(int days)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of days to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period withHours(int hours)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of hours to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period withMinutes(int minutes)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of minutes to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period withSeconds(int seconds)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of seconds to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period withMillis(int millis)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of millis to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period plus(ReadablePeriod period)
Each field of the period is added separately. Thus a period of
2 hours 30 minutes plus 3 hours 40 minutes will produce a result
of 5 hours 70 minutes - see normalizedStandard()
If the period being added contains a non-zero amount for a field that is not supported in this period then an exception is thrown.
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the period to add, null adds zero and returns this
- if any field is not supportedpublic Period plusYears(int years)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of years to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period plusMonths(int months)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of months to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period plusWeeks(int weeks)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of weeks to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period plusDays(int days)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of days to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period plusHours(int hours)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of hours to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period plusMinutes(int minutes)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of minutes to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period plusSeconds(int seconds)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of seconds to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period plusMillis(int millis)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of millis to add, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period minus(ReadablePeriod period)
Each field of the period is subtracted separately. Thus a period of
3 hours 30 minutes minus 2 hours 40 minutes will produce a result
of 1 hour and -10 minutes - see normalizedStandard()
If the period being added contains a non-zero amount for a field that is not supported in this period then an exception is thrown.
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the period to add, null adds zero and returns this
- if any field is not supportedpublic Period minusYears(int years)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of years to take away, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period minusMonths(int months)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of months to take away, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period minusWeeks(int weeks)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of weeks to take away, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period minusDays(int days)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of days to take away, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period minusHours(int hours)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of hours to take away, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period minusMinutes(int minutes)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of minutes to take away, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period minusSeconds(int seconds)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of seconds to take away, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Period minusMillis(int millis)
This period instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
- the amount of millis to take away, may be negative
- if the field is not supportedpublic Weeks toStandardWeeks()
This method allows you to convert between different types of period. However to achieve this it makes the assumption that all weeks are 7 days, all days are 24 hours, all hours are 60 minutes and all minutes are 60 seconds. This is not true when daylight savings time is considered, and may also not be true for some unusual chronologies. However, it is included as it is a useful operation for many applications and business rules.
If the period contains years or months, an exception will be thrown.
- if the period contains years or months
- if the number of weeks is too large to be representedpublic Days toStandardDays()
This method allows you to convert between different types of period. However to achieve this it makes the assumption that all weeks are 7 days, all days are 24 hours, all hours are 60 minutes and all minutes are 60 seconds. This is not true when daylight savings time is considered, and may also not be true for some unusual chronologies. However, it is included as it is a useful operation for many applications and business rules.
If the period contains years or months, an exception will be thrown.
- if the period contains years or months
- if the number of days is too large to be representedpublic Hours toStandardHours()
This method allows you to convert between different types of period. However to achieve this it makes the assumption that all weeks are 7 days, all days are 24 hours, all hours are 60 minutes and all minutes are 60 seconds. This is not true when daylight savings time is considered, and may also not be true for some unusual chronologies. However, it is included as it is a useful operation for many applications and business rules.
If the period contains years or months, an exception will be thrown.
- if the period contains years or months
- if the number of hours is too large to be representedpublic Minutes toStandardMinutes()
This method allows you to convert between different types of period. However to achieve this it makes the assumption that all weeks are 7 days, all days are 24 hours, all hours are 60 minutes and all minutes are 60 seconds. This is not true when daylight savings time is considered, and may also not be true for some unusual chronologies. However, it is included as it is a useful operation for many applications and business rules.
If the period contains years or months, an exception will be thrown.
- if the period contains years or months
- if the number of minutes is too large to be representedpublic Seconds toStandardSeconds()
This method allows you to convert between different types of period. However to achieve this it makes the assumption that all weeks are 7 days, all days are 24 hours, all hours are 60 minutes and all minutes are 60 seconds. This is not true when daylight savings time is considered, and may also not be true for some unusual chronologies. However, it is included as it is a useful operation for many applications and business rules.
If the period contains years or months, an exception will be thrown.
- if the period contains years or months
- if the number of seconds is too large to be representedpublic Duration toStandardDuration()
This method allows you to convert from a period to a duration. However to achieve this it makes the assumption that all weeks are 7 days, all days are 24 hours, all hours are 60 minutes and all minutes are 60 seconds. This is not true when daylight savings time is considered, and may also not be true for some unusual chronologies. However, it is included as it is a useful operation for many applications and business rules.
If the period contains years or months, an exception will be thrown.
- if the period contains years or monthspublic Period normalizedStandard()
This method allows you to normalize a period. However to achieve this it makes the assumption that all years are 12 months, all weeks are 7 days, all days are 24 hours, all hours are 60 minutes and all minutes are 60 seconds. This is not true when daylight savings time is considered, and may also not be true for some chronologies. However, it is included as it is a useful operation for many applications and business rules.
If the period contains years or months, then the months will be normalized to be between 0 and 11. The days field and below will be normalized as necessary, however this will not overflow into the months field. Thus a period of 1 year 15 months will normalize to 2 years 3 months. But a period of 1 month 40 days will remain as 1 month 40 days.
The result will always have a PeriodType
of standard, thus
days will be grouped into weeks.
- if any field is too large to be representedpublic Period normalizedStandard(PeriodType type)
This method allows you to normalize a period. However to achieve this it makes the assumption that all years are 12 months, all weeks are 7 days, all days are 24 hours, all hours are 60 minutes and all minutes are 60 seconds. This is not true when daylight savings time is considered, and may also not be true for some chronologies. However, it is included as it is a useful operation for many applications and business rules.
If the period contains years or months, then the months will be normalized to be between 0 and 11. The days field and below will be normalized as necessary, however this will not overflow into the months field. Thus a period of 1 year 15 months will normalize to 2 years 3 months. But a period of 1 month 40 days will remain as 1 month 40 days.
The PeriodType parameter controls how the result is created. It allows
you to omit certain fields from the result if desired. For example,
you may not want the result to include weeks, in which case you pass
in PeriodType.yearMonthDayTime()
- the period type of the new period, null means standard type
- if any field is too large to be represented
- if this period contains non-zero
years or months but the specified period type does not support them