Uses of Class

Packages that use IslamicChronology
org.joda.time.chrono Package containing the chronology classes which define the calendar systems. 

Uses of IslamicChronology in org.joda.time.chrono

Methods in org.joda.time.chrono that return IslamicChronology
static IslamicChronology IslamicChronology.getInstanceUTC()
          Gets an instance of the IslamicChronology.
static IslamicChronology IslamicChronology.getInstance()
          Gets an instance of the IslamicChronology in the default time zone.
static IslamicChronology IslamicChronology.getInstance(DateTimeZone zone)
          Gets an instance of the IslamicChronology in the given time zone.
static IslamicChronology IslamicChronology.getInstance(DateTimeZone zone, IslamicChronology.LeapYearPatternType leapYears)
          Gets an instance of the IslamicChronology in the given time zone.

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