Class StrictDateTimeField

  extended byorg.joda.time.DateTimeField
      extended byorg.joda.time.field.DelegatedDateTimeField
          extended byorg.joda.time.field.StrictDateTimeField
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StrictDateTimeField
extends DelegatedDateTimeField

Converts a lenient DateTimeField into a strict one. By being strict, the set throws an IllegalArgumentException if the value is out of bounds.

StrictDateTimeField is thread-safe and immutable.

Brian S O'Neill
See Also:
StrictChronology, LenientDateTimeField, Serialized Form

Method Summary
static DateTimeField getInstance(DateTimeField field)
          Returns a strict version of the given field.
 boolean isLenient()
          Returns true if the set method is lenient.
 long set(long instant, int value)
          Does a bounds check before setting the value.
Methods inherited from class org.joda.time.field.DelegatedDateTimeField
add, add, add, addWrapField, addWrapField, addWrapPartial, get, getAsShortText, getAsShortText, getAsShortText, getAsShortText, getAsShortText, getAsText, getAsText, getAsText, getAsText, getAsText, getDifference, getDifferenceAsLong, getDurationField, getLeapAmount, getLeapDurationField, getMaximumShortTextLength, getMaximumTextLength, getMaximumValue, getMaximumValue, getMaximumValue, getMaximumValue, getMinimumValue, getMinimumValue, getMinimumValue, getMinimumValue, getName, getRangeDurationField, getType, getWrappedField, isLeap, isSupported, remainder, roundCeiling, roundFloor, roundHalfCeiling, roundHalfEven, roundHalfFloor, set, set, set, set, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static DateTimeField getInstance(DateTimeField field)
Returns a strict version of the given field. If it is already strict, then it is returned as-is. Otherwise, a new StrictDateTimeField is returned.


public final boolean isLenient()
Description copied from class: DateTimeField
Returns true if the set method is lenient. If so, it accepts values that are out of bounds. For example, a lenient day of month field accepts 32 for January, converting it to February 1.

isLenient in class DelegatedDateTimeField


public long set(long instant,
                int value)
Does a bounds check before setting the value.

set in class DelegatedDateTimeField
IllegalArgumentException - if the value is invalid

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