Packages that use DateTimeFormatterBuilder | |
org.joda.time.format | Provides printing and parsing support for instants and durations. |
Uses of DateTimeFormatterBuilder in org.joda.time.format |
Methods in org.joda.time.format that return DateTimeFormatterBuilder | |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.append(DateTimeFormatter formatter)
Appends another formatter. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.append(DateTimePrinter printer)
Appends just a printer. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.append(DateTimeParser parser)
Appends just a parser. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.append(DateTimePrinter printer,
DateTimeParser parser)
Appends a printer/parser pair. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.append(DateTimePrinter printer,
DateTimeParser[] parsers)
Appends a printer and a set of matching parsers. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendOptional(DateTimeParser parser)
Appends just a parser element which is optional. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendLiteral(char c)
Instructs the printer to emit a specific character, and the parser to expect it. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendLiteral(String text)
Instructs the printer to emit specific text, and the parser to expect it. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendDecimal(DateTimeFieldType fieldType,
int minDigits,
int maxDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a field value as a decimal number, and the parser to expect an unsigned decimal number. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendFixedDecimal(DateTimeFieldType fieldType,
int numDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a field value as a fixed-width decimal number (smaller numbers will be left-padded with zeros), and the parser to expect an unsigned decimal number with the same fixed width. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendSignedDecimal(DateTimeFieldType fieldType,
int minDigits,
int maxDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a field value as a decimal number, and the parser to expect a signed decimal number. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendFixedSignedDecimal(DateTimeFieldType fieldType,
int numDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a field value as a fixed-width decimal number (smaller numbers will be left-padded with zeros), and the parser to expect an signed decimal number with the same fixed width. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendText(DateTimeFieldType fieldType)
Instructs the printer to emit a field value as text, and the parser to expect text. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendShortText(DateTimeFieldType fieldType)
Instructs the printer to emit a field value as short text, and the parser to expect text. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendFraction(DateTimeFieldType fieldType,
int minDigits,
int maxDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a remainder of time as a decimal fraction, sans decimal point. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendFractionOfSecond(int minDigits,
int maxDigits)
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendFractionOfMinute(int minDigits,
int maxDigits)
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendFractionOfHour(int minDigits,
int maxDigits)
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendFractionOfDay(int minDigits,
int maxDigits)
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendMillisOfSecond(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric millisOfSecond field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendMillisOfDay(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric millisOfDay field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendSecondOfMinute(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric secondOfMinute field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendSecondOfDay(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric secondOfDay field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendMinuteOfHour(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric minuteOfHour field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendMinuteOfDay(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric minuteOfDay field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendHourOfDay(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric hourOfDay field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendClockhourOfDay(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric clockhourOfDay field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendHourOfHalfday(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric hourOfHalfday field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendClockhourOfHalfday(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric clockhourOfHalfday field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendDayOfWeek(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric dayOfWeek field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendDayOfMonth(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric dayOfMonth field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendDayOfYear(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric dayOfYear field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendWeekOfWeekyear(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric weekOfWeekyear field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendWeekyear(int minDigits,
int maxDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric weekyear field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendMonthOfYear(int minDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric monthOfYear field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendYear(int minDigits,
int maxDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric year field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendTwoDigitYear(int pivot)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric year field which always prints and parses two digits. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendTwoDigitYear(int pivot,
boolean lenientParse)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric year field which always prints two digits. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendTwoDigitWeekyear(int pivot)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric weekyear field which always prints and parses two digits. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendTwoDigitWeekyear(int pivot,
boolean lenientParse)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric weekyear field which always prints two digits. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendYearOfEra(int minDigits,
int maxDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric yearOfEra field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendYearOfCentury(int minDigits,
int maxDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric year of century field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendCenturyOfEra(int minDigits,
int maxDigits)
Instructs the printer to emit a numeric century of era field. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
Instructs the printer to emit a locale-specific AM/PM text, and the parser to expect it. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
Instructs the printer to emit a locale-specific dayOfWeek text. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
Instructs the printer to emit a short locale-specific dayOfWeek text. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
Instructs the printer to emit a short locale-specific monthOfYear text. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
Instructs the printer to emit a locale-specific monthOfYear text. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
Instructs the printer to emit a locale-specific era text (BC/AD), and the parser to expect it. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
Instructs the printer to emit a locale-specific time zone name. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
Instructs the printer to emit a short locale-specific time zone name. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
Instructs the printer to emit the identifier of the time zone. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendTimeZoneOffset(String zeroOffsetText,
boolean showSeparators,
int minFields,
int maxFields)
Instructs the printer to emit text and numbers to display time zone offset from UTC. |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder |
DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendPattern(String pattern)
Calls upon DateTimeFormat to parse the pattern and append the
results into this builder. |