Class DateTimeZoneBuilder


public class DateTimeZoneBuilder
extends Object

DateTimeZoneBuilder allows complex DateTimeZones to be constructed. Since creating a new DateTimeZone this way is a relatively expensive operation, built zones can be written to a file. Reading back the encoded data is a quick operation.

DateTimeZoneBuilder itself is mutable and not thread-safe, but the DateTimeZone objects that it builds are thread-safe and immutable.

It is intended that ZoneInfoCompiler be used to read time zone data files, indirectly calling DateTimeZoneBuilder. The following complex example defines the America/Los_Angeles time zone, with all historical transitions:

 DateTimeZone America_Los_Angeles = new DateTimeZoneBuilder()
     .addCutover(-2147483648, 'w', 1, 1, 0, false, 0)
     .setFixedSavings("LMT", 0)
     .addCutover(1883, 'w', 11, 18, 0, false, 43200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PDT", 3600000, 1918, 1919, 'w',  3, -1, 7, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PST",       0, 1918, 1919, 'w', 10, -1, 7, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PWT", 3600000, 1942, 1942, 'w',  2,  9, 0, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PPT", 3600000, 1945, 1945, 'u',  8, 14, 0, false, 82800000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PST",       0, 1945, 1945, 'w',  9, 30, 0, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PDT", 3600000, 1948, 1948, 'w',  3, 14, 0, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PST",       0, 1949, 1949, 'w',  1,  1, 0, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PDT", 3600000, 1950, 1966, 'w',  4, -1, 7, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PST",       0, 1950, 1961, 'w',  9, -1, 7, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PST",       0, 1962, 1966, 'w', 10, -1, 7, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PST",       0, 1967, 2147483647, 'w', 10, -1, 7, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PDT", 3600000, 1967, 1973, 'w', 4, -1,  7, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PDT", 3600000, 1974, 1974, 'w', 1,  6,  0, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PDT", 3600000, 1975, 1975, 'w', 2, 23,  0, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PDT", 3600000, 1976, 1986, 'w', 4, -1,  7, false, 7200000)
     .addRecurringSavings("PDT", 3600000, 1987, 2147483647, 'w', 4, 1, 7, true, 7200000)

Brian S O'Neill
See Also:
ZoneInfoCompiler, ZoneInfoProvider

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 DateTimeZoneBuilder addCutover(int year, char mode, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int dayOfWeek, boolean advanceDayOfWeek, int millisOfDay)
          Adds a cutover for added rules.
 DateTimeZoneBuilder addRecurringSavings(String nameKey, int saveMillis, int fromYear, int toYear, char mode, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth, int dayOfWeek, boolean advanceDayOfWeek, int millisOfDay)
          Add a recurring daylight saving time rule.
static DateTimeZone readFrom(DataInput in, String id)
          Decodes a built DateTimeZone from the given stream, as encoded by writeTo.
static DateTimeZone readFrom(InputStream in, String id)
          Decodes a built DateTimeZone from the given stream, as encoded by writeTo.
 DateTimeZoneBuilder setFixedSavings(String nameKey, int saveMillis)
          Set a fixed savings rule at the cutover.
 DateTimeZoneBuilder setStandardOffset(int standardOffset)
          Sets the standard offset to use for newly added rules until the next cutover is added.
 DateTimeZone toDateTimeZone(String id, boolean outputID)
          Processes all the rules and builds a DateTimeZone.
 void writeTo(String zoneID, DataOutput out)
          Encodes a built DateTimeZone to the given stream.
 void writeTo(String zoneID, OutputStream out)
          Encodes a built DateTimeZone to the given stream.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DateTimeZoneBuilder()
Method Detail


public static DateTimeZone readFrom(InputStream in,
                                    String id)
                             throws IOException
Decodes a built DateTimeZone from the given stream, as encoded by writeTo.

in - input stream to read encoded DateTimeZone from.
id - time zone id to assign


public static DateTimeZone readFrom(DataInput in,
                                    String id)
                             throws IOException
Decodes a built DateTimeZone from the given stream, as encoded by writeTo.

in - input stream to read encoded DateTimeZone from.
id - time zone id to assign


public DateTimeZoneBuilder addCutover(int year,
                                      char mode,
                                      int monthOfYear,
                                      int dayOfMonth,
                                      int dayOfWeek,
                                      boolean advanceDayOfWeek,
                                      int millisOfDay)
Adds a cutover for added rules. The standard offset at the cutover defaults to 0. Call setStandardOffset afterwards to change it.

year - year of cutover
mode - 'u' - cutover is measured against UTC, 'w' - against wall offset, 's' - against standard offset.
dayOfMonth - if negative, set to ((last day of month) - ~dayOfMonth). For example, if -1, set to last day of month
dayOfWeek - if 0, ignore
advanceDayOfWeek - if dayOfMonth does not fall on dayOfWeek, advance to dayOfWeek when true, retreat when false.
millisOfDay - additional precision for specifying time of day of cutover


public DateTimeZoneBuilder setStandardOffset(int standardOffset)
Sets the standard offset to use for newly added rules until the next cutover is added.


public DateTimeZoneBuilder setFixedSavings(String nameKey,
                                           int saveMillis)
Set a fixed savings rule at the cutover.


public DateTimeZoneBuilder addRecurringSavings(String nameKey,
                                               int saveMillis,
                                               int fromYear,
                                               int toYear,
                                               char mode,
                                               int monthOfYear,
                                               int dayOfMonth,
                                               int dayOfWeek,
                                               boolean advanceDayOfWeek,
                                               int millisOfDay)
Add a recurring daylight saving time rule.

nameKey - name key of new rule
saveMillis - milliseconds to add to standard offset
fromYear - First year that rule is in effect. MIN_VALUE indicates beginning of time.
toYear - Last year (inclusive) that rule is in effect. MAX_VALUE indicates end of time.
mode - 'u' - transitions are calculated against UTC, 'w' - transitions are calculated against wall offset, 's' - transitions are calculated against standard offset.
dayOfMonth - if negative, set to ((last day of month) - ~dayOfMonth). For example, if -1, set to last day of month
dayOfWeek - if 0, ignore
advanceDayOfWeek - if dayOfMonth does not fall on dayOfWeek, advance to dayOfWeek when true, retreat when false.
millisOfDay - additional precision for specifying time of day of transitions


public DateTimeZone toDateTimeZone(String id,
                                   boolean outputID)
Processes all the rules and builds a DateTimeZone.

id - time zone id to assign
outputID - true if the zone id should be output


public void writeTo(String zoneID,
                    OutputStream out)
             throws IOException
Encodes a built DateTimeZone to the given stream. Call readFrom to decode the data into a DateTimeZone object.

out - output stream to receive encoded DateTimeZone.
1.5 (parameter added)


public void writeTo(String zoneID,
                    DataOutput out)
             throws IOException
Encodes a built DateTimeZone to the given stream. Call readFrom to decode the data into a DateTimeZone object.

out - output stream to receive encoded DateTimeZone.
1.5 (parameter added)

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