Packages that use LocalDateTime | |
org.joda.time | Provides support for dates, times, time zones, durations, intervals, and partials. |
org.joda.time.format | Provides printing and parsing support for instants and durations. |
Uses of LocalDateTime in org.joda.time |
Methods in org.joda.time that return LocalDateTime | |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.Property.addToCopy(int value)
Adds to this field in a copy of this LocalDateTime. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.Property.addToCopy(long value)
Adds to this field in a copy of this LocalDateTime. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.Property.addWrapFieldToCopy(int value)
Adds to this field, possibly wrapped, in a copy of this LocalDateTime. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.fromCalendarFields(Calendar calendar)
Constructs a LocalDateTime from a java.util.Calendar
using exactly the same field values. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.fromDateFields(Date date)
Constructs a LocalDateTime from a java.util.Date
using exactly the same field values. |
LocalDateTime |
Gets the LocalDateTime object linked to this property. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minus(ReadableDuration duration)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified duration taken away. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minus(ReadablePeriod period)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified period taken away. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusDays(int days)
Returns a copy of this datetime minus the specified number of days. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusHours(int hours)
Returns a copy of this datetime minus the specified number of hours. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusMillis(int millis)
Returns a copy of this datetime minus the specified number of millis. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusMinutes(int minutes)
Returns a copy of this datetime minus the specified number of minutes. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusMonths(int months)
Returns a copy of this datetime minus the specified number of months. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusSeconds(int seconds)
Returns a copy of this datetime minus the specified number of seconds. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusWeeks(int weeks)
Returns a copy of this datetime minus the specified number of weeks. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusYears(int years)
Returns a copy of this datetime minus the specified number of years. |
static LocalDateTime |
Obtains a LocalDateTime set to the current system millisecond time
using ISOChronology in the default time zone. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.now(Chronology chronology)
Obtains a LocalDateTime set to the current system millisecond time
using the specified chronology. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.now(DateTimeZone zone)
Obtains a LocalDateTime set to the current system millisecond time
using ISOChronology in the specified time zone. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.parse(String str)
Parses a LocalDateTime from the specified string. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.parse(String str,
DateTimeFormatter formatter)
Parses a LocalDateTime from the specified string using a formatter. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plus(ReadableDuration duration)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified duration added. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plus(ReadablePeriod period)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified period added. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusDays(int days)
Returns a copy of this datetime plus the specified number of days. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusHours(int hours)
Returns a copy of this datetime plus the specified number of hours. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusMillis(int millis)
Returns a copy of this datetime plus the specified number of millis. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusMinutes(int minutes)
Returns a copy of this datetime plus the specified number of minutes. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusMonths(int months)
Returns a copy of this datetime plus the specified number of months. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusSeconds(int seconds)
Returns a copy of this datetime plus the specified number of seconds. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusWeeks(int weeks)
Returns a copy of this datetime plus the specified number of weeks. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusYears(int years)
Returns a copy of this datetime plus the specified number of years. |
LocalDateTime |
Rounds to the highest whole unit of this field on a copy of this LocalDateTime. |
LocalDateTime |
Rounds to the lowest whole unit of this field on a copy of this LocalDateTime. |
LocalDateTime |
Rounds to the nearest whole unit of this field on a copy of this LocalDateTime, favoring the ceiling if halfway. |
LocalDateTime |
Rounds to the nearest whole unit of this field on a copy of this LocalDateTime. |
LocalDateTime |
Rounds to the nearest whole unit of this field on a copy of this LocalDateTime, favoring the floor if halfway. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.Property.setCopy(int value)
Sets this field in a copy of the LocalDateTime. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.Property.setCopy(String text)
Sets this field in a copy of the LocalDateTime to a parsed text value. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.Property.setCopy(String text,
Locale locale)
Sets this field in a copy of the LocalDateTime to a parsed text value. |
LocalDateTime |
Converts this object to a LocalDateTime with
the same datetime and chronology. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDate.toLocalDateTime(LocalTime time)
Converts this object to a LocalDateTime using a LocalTime to fill in the missing fields. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withCenturyOfEra(int centuryOfEra)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the century of era field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withDate(int year,
int monthOfYear,
int dayOfMonth)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified date, retaining the time fields. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withDayOfMonth(int dayOfMonth)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the day of month field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withDayOfWeek(int dayOfWeek)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the day of week field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withDayOfYear(int dayOfYear)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the day of year field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withDurationAdded(ReadableDuration durationToAdd,
int scalar)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified duration added. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withEra(int era)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the era field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withField(DateTimeFieldType fieldType,
int value)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified field set to a new value. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType fieldType,
int amount)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the value of the specified field increased. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withFields(ReadablePartial partial)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the partial set of fields replacing those from this instance. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withHourOfDay(int hour)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the hour of day field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
Returns a new LocalDateTime with this field set to the maximum value for this field. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withMillisOfDay(int millis)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the millis of day field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withMillisOfSecond(int millis)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the millis of second field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
Returns a new LocalDateTime with this field set to the minimum value for this field. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withMinuteOfHour(int minute)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the minute of hour field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withMonthOfYear(int monthOfYear)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the month of year field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withPeriodAdded(ReadablePeriod period,
int scalar)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified period added. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withSecondOfMinute(int second)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the second of minute field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withTime(int hourOfDay,
int minuteOfHour,
int secondOfMinute,
int millisOfSecond)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified time, retaining the date fields. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withWeekOfWeekyear(int weekOfWeekyear)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the week of weekyear field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withWeekyear(int weekyear)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the weekyear field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withYear(int year)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the year field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withYearOfCentury(int yearOfCentury)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the year of century field updated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withYearOfEra(int yearOfEra)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the year of era field updated. |
Methods in org.joda.time with parameters of type LocalDateTime | |
boolean |
DateTimeZone.isLocalDateTimeGap(LocalDateTime localDateTime)
Checks if the given LocalDateTime is within a gap. |
Uses of LocalDateTime in org.joda.time.format |
Methods in org.joda.time.format that return LocalDateTime | |
LocalDateTime |
DateTimeFormatter.parseLocalDateTime(String text)
Parses only the local date-time from the given text, returning a new LocalDate. |