Class BasePeriod

  extended by org.joda.time.base.AbstractPeriod
      extended by org.joda.time.base.BasePeriod
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ReadablePeriod
Direct Known Subclasses:
MutablePeriod, Period

public abstract class BasePeriod
extends AbstractPeriod
implements ReadablePeriod, Serializable

BasePeriod is an abstract implementation of ReadablePeriod that stores data in a PeriodType and an int[].

This class should generally not be used directly by API users. The ReadablePeriod interface should be used when different kinds of period objects are to be referenced.

BasePeriod subclasses may be mutable and not thread-safe.

Brian S O'Neill, Stephen Colebourne
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
protected BasePeriod(int[] values, PeriodType type)
          Constructor used when we trust ourselves.
protected BasePeriod(int years, int months, int weeks, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int millis, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from a set of field values.
protected BasePeriod(long duration)
          Creates a period from the given millisecond duration with the standard period type and ISO rules, ensuring that the calculation is performed with the time-only period type.
protected BasePeriod(long startInstant, long endInstant, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
protected BasePeriod(long duration, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a period from the given millisecond duration, which is only really suitable for durations less than one day.
protected BasePeriod(Object period, PeriodType type, Chronology chrono)
          Creates a new period based on another using the ConverterManager.
protected BasePeriod(ReadableDuration duration, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given duration and end point.
protected BasePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableDuration duration, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given start point and duration.
protected BasePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant, ReadableInstant endInstant, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.
protected BasePeriod(ReadablePartial start, ReadablePartial end, PeriodType type)
          Creates a period from the given duration and end point.
Method Summary
protected  void addField(DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Adds the value of a field in this period.
protected  void addFieldInto(int[] values, DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Adds the value of a field in this period.
protected  void addPeriod(ReadablePeriod period)
          Adds the fields from another period.
protected  int[] addPeriodInto(int[] values, ReadablePeriod period)
          Adds the fields from another period.
protected  PeriodType checkPeriodType(PeriodType type)
          Validates a period type, converting nulls to a default value and checking the type is suitable for this instance.
 PeriodType getPeriodType()
          Gets the period type.
 int getValue(int index)
          Gets the value at the specified index.
protected  void mergePeriod(ReadablePeriod period)
          Merges the fields from another period.
protected  int[] mergePeriodInto(int[] values, ReadablePeriod period)
          Merges the fields from another period.
protected  void setField(DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Sets the value of a field in this period.
protected  void setFieldInto(int[] values, DurationFieldType field, int value)
          Sets the value of a field in this period.
protected  void setPeriod(int years, int months, int weeks, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int millis)
          Sets the eight standard the fields in one go.
protected  void setPeriod(ReadablePeriod period)
          Sets all the fields of this period from another.
protected  void setValue(int index, int value)
          Sets the value of the field at the specified index.
protected  void setValues(int[] values)
          Sets the values of all fields.
 Duration toDurationFrom(ReadableInstant startInstant)
          Gets the total millisecond duration of this period relative to a start instant.
 Duration toDurationTo(ReadableInstant endInstant)
          Gets the total millisecond duration of this period relative to an end instant.
Methods inherited from class org.joda.time.base.AbstractPeriod
equals, get, getFieldType, getFieldTypes, getValues, hashCode, indexOf, isSupported, size, toMutablePeriod, toPeriod, toString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.joda.time.ReadablePeriod
equals, get, getFieldType, hashCode, isSupported, size, toMutablePeriod, toPeriod, toString

Constructor Detail


protected BasePeriod(int years,
                     int months,
                     int weeks,
                     int days,
                     int hours,
                     int minutes,
                     int seconds,
                     int millis,
                     PeriodType type)
Creates a period from a set of field values.

years - amount of years in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
months - amount of months in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
weeks - amount of weeks in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
days - amount of days in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
hours - amount of hours in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
minutes - amount of minutes in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
seconds - amount of seconds in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
millis - amount of milliseconds in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
type - which set of fields this period supports
IllegalArgumentException - if period type is invalid
IllegalArgumentException - if an unsupported field's value is non-zero


protected BasePeriod(long startInstant,
                     long endInstant,
                     PeriodType type,
                     Chronology chrono)
Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.

startInstant - interval start, in milliseconds
endInstant - interval end, in milliseconds
type - which set of fields this period supports, null means standard
chrono - the chronology to use, null means ISO default
IllegalArgumentException - if period type is invalid


protected BasePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant,
                     ReadableInstant endInstant,
                     PeriodType type)
Creates a period from the given interval endpoints.

startInstant - interval start, null means now
endInstant - interval end, null means now
type - which set of fields this period supports, null means standard
IllegalArgumentException - if period type is invalid


protected BasePeriod(ReadablePartial start,
                     ReadablePartial end,
                     PeriodType type)
Creates a period from the given duration and end point.

The two partials must contain the same fields, thus you can specify two LocalDate objects, or two LocalTime objects, but not one of each. As these are Partial objects, time zones have no effect on the result.

The two partials must also both be contiguous - see DateTimeUtils.isContiguous(ReadablePartial) for a definition. Both LocalDate and LocalTime are contiguous.

start - the start of the period, must not be null
end - the end of the period, must not be null
type - which set of fields this period supports, null means standard
IllegalArgumentException - if the partials are null or invalid


protected BasePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant,
                     ReadableDuration duration,
                     PeriodType type)
Creates a period from the given start point and duration.

startInstant - the interval start, null means now
duration - the duration of the interval, null means zero-length
type - which set of fields this period supports, null means standard


protected BasePeriod(ReadableDuration duration,
                     ReadableInstant endInstant,
                     PeriodType type)
Creates a period from the given duration and end point.

duration - the duration of the interval, null means zero-length
endInstant - the interval end, null means now
type - which set of fields this period supports, null means standard


protected BasePeriod(long duration)
Creates a period from the given millisecond duration with the standard period type and ISO rules, ensuring that the calculation is performed with the time-only period type.

The calculation uses the hour, minute, second and millisecond fields.

duration - the duration, in milliseconds


protected BasePeriod(long duration,
                     PeriodType type,
                     Chronology chrono)
Creates a period from the given millisecond duration, which is only really suitable for durations less than one day.

Only fields that are precise will be used. Thus the largest precise field may have a large value.

duration - the duration, in milliseconds
type - which set of fields this period supports, null means standard
chrono - the chronology to use, null means ISO default
IllegalArgumentException - if period type is invalid


protected BasePeriod(Object period,
                     PeriodType type,
                     Chronology chrono)
Creates a new period based on another using the ConverterManager.

period - the period to convert
type - which set of fields this period supports, null means use type from object
chrono - the chronology to use, null means ISO default
IllegalArgumentException - if period is invalid
IllegalArgumentException - if an unsupported field's value is non-zero


protected BasePeriod(int[] values,
                     PeriodType type)
Constructor used when we trust ourselves. Do not expose publically.

values - the values to use, not null, not cloned
type - which set of fields this period supports, not null
Method Detail


protected PeriodType checkPeriodType(PeriodType type)
Validates a period type, converting nulls to a default value and checking the type is suitable for this instance.

type - the type to check, may be null
the validated type to use, not null
IllegalArgumentException - if the period type is invalid


public PeriodType getPeriodType()
Gets the period type.

Specified by:
getPeriodType in interface ReadablePeriod
the period type


public int getValue(int index)
Gets the value at the specified index.

Specified by:
getValue in interface ReadablePeriod
index - the index to retrieve
the value of the field at the specified index
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is invalid


public Duration toDurationFrom(ReadableInstant startInstant)
Gets the total millisecond duration of this period relative to a start instant.

This method adds the period to the specified instant in order to calculate the duration.

An instant must be supplied as the duration of a period varies. For example, a period of 1 month could vary between the equivalent of 28 and 31 days in milliseconds due to different length months. Similarly, a day can vary at Daylight Savings cutover, typically between 23 and 25 hours.

startInstant - the instant to add the period to, thus obtaining the duration
the total length of the period as a duration relative to the start instant
ArithmeticException - if the millis exceeds the capacity of the duration


public Duration toDurationTo(ReadableInstant endInstant)
Gets the total millisecond duration of this period relative to an end instant.

This method subtracts the period from the specified instant in order to calculate the duration.

An instant must be supplied as the duration of a period varies. For example, a period of 1 month could vary between the equivalent of 28 and 31 days in milliseconds due to different length months. Similarly, a day can vary at Daylight Savings cutover, typically between 23 and 25 hours.

endInstant - the instant to subtract the period from, thus obtaining the duration
the total length of the period as a duration relative to the end instant
ArithmeticException - if the millis exceeds the capacity of the duration


protected void setPeriod(ReadablePeriod period)
Sets all the fields of this period from another.

period - the period to copy from, not null
IllegalArgumentException - if an unsupported field's value is non-zero


protected void setPeriod(int years,
                         int months,
                         int weeks,
                         int days,
                         int hours,
                         int minutes,
                         int seconds,
                         int millis)
Sets the eight standard the fields in one go.

years - amount of years in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
months - amount of months in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
weeks - amount of weeks in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
days - amount of days in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
hours - amount of hours in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
minutes - amount of minutes in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
seconds - amount of seconds in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
millis - amount of milliseconds in this period, which must be zero if unsupported
IllegalArgumentException - if an unsupported field's value is non-zero


protected void setField(DurationFieldType field,
                        int value)
Sets the value of a field in this period.

field - the field to set
value - the value to set
IllegalArgumentException - if field is is null or not supported.


protected void setFieldInto(int[] values,
                            DurationFieldType field,
                            int value)
Sets the value of a field in this period.

values - the array of values to update
field - the field to set
value - the value to set
IllegalArgumentException - if field is null or not supported.


protected void addField(DurationFieldType field,
                        int value)
Adds the value of a field in this period.

field - the field to set
value - the value to set
IllegalArgumentException - if field is is null or not supported.


protected void addFieldInto(int[] values,
                            DurationFieldType field,
                            int value)
Adds the value of a field in this period.

values - the array of values to update
field - the field to set
value - the value to set
IllegalArgumentException - if field is is null or not supported.


protected void mergePeriod(ReadablePeriod period)
Merges the fields from another period.

period - the period to add from, not null
IllegalArgumentException - if an unsupported field's value is non-zero


protected int[] mergePeriodInto(int[] values,
                                ReadablePeriod period)
Merges the fields from another period.

values - the array of values to update
period - the period to add from, not null
the updated values
IllegalArgumentException - if an unsupported field's value is non-zero


protected void addPeriod(ReadablePeriod period)
Adds the fields from another period.

period - the period to add from, not null
IllegalArgumentException - if an unsupported field's value is non-zero


protected int[] addPeriodInto(int[] values,
                              ReadablePeriod period)
Adds the fields from another period.

values - the array of values to update
period - the period to add from, not null
the updated values
IllegalArgumentException - if an unsupported field's value is non-zero


protected void setValue(int index,
                        int value)
Sets the value of the field at the specified index.

index - the index
value - the value to set
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is invalid


protected void setValues(int[] values)
Sets the values of all fields.

In version 2.0 and later, this method copies the array into the original. This is because the instance variable has been changed to be final to satisfy the Java Memory Model. This only impacts subclasses that are mutable.

values - the array of values

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