Packages that use ReadableDuration | |
org.joda.time | Provides support for dates, times, time zones, durations, intervals, and partials. |
org.joda.time.base | Implementation package providing abstract and base time classes. |
Uses of ReadableDuration in org.joda.time |
Classes in org.joda.time that implement ReadableDuration | |
class |
An immutable duration specifying a length of time in milliseconds. |
Methods in org.joda.time with parameters of type ReadableDuration | |
void |
ReadWritableInterval.setDurationAfterStart(ReadableDuration duration)
Sets the duration of this time interval, preserving the start instant. |
void |
ReadWritableInterval.setDurationBeforeEnd(ReadableDuration duration)
Sets the duration of this time interval, preserving the end instant. |
void |
ReadWritableInstant.add(ReadableDuration duration)
Adds a duration to this instant. |
void |
ReadWritableInstant.add(ReadableDuration duration,
int scalar)
Adds a duration to this instant specifying how many times to add. |
boolean |
ReadableDuration.isEqual(ReadableDuration duration)
Is the length of this duration equal to the duration passed in. |
boolean |
ReadableDuration.isLongerThan(ReadableDuration duration)
Is the length of this duration longer than the duration passed in. |
boolean |
ReadableDuration.isShorterThan(ReadableDuration duration)
Is the length of this duration shorter than the duration passed in. |
void |
MutablePeriod.setPeriod(ReadableDuration duration)
Sets all the fields in one go from a duration dividing the fields using the period type. |
void |
MutablePeriod.setPeriod(ReadableDuration duration,
Chronology chrono)
Sets all the fields in one go from a duration dividing the fields using the period type. |
void |
MutablePeriod.add(ReadableDuration duration)
Adds a duration to this one by dividing the duration into fields and calling MutablePeriod.add(ReadablePeriod) . |
void |
MutableInterval.setDurationAfterStart(ReadableDuration duration)
Sets the duration of this time interval, preserving the start instant. |
void |
MutableInterval.setDurationBeforeEnd(ReadableDuration duration)
Sets the duration of this time interval, preserving the end instant. |
void |
MutableDateTime.add(ReadableDuration duration)
Adds a duration to this instant. |
void |
MutableDateTime.add(ReadableDuration duration,
int scalar)
Adds a duration to this instant specifying how many times to add. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withDurationAdded(ReadableDuration durationToAdd,
int scalar)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified duration added. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plus(ReadableDuration duration)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified duration added. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minus(ReadableDuration duration)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified duration taken away. |
Interval |
Interval.withDurationAfterStart(ReadableDuration duration)
Creates a new interval with the specified duration after the start instant. |
Interval |
Interval.withDurationBeforeEnd(ReadableDuration duration)
Creates a new interval with the specified duration before the end instant. |
Instant |
Instant.withDurationAdded(ReadableDuration durationToAdd,
int scalar)
Gets a copy of this instant with the specified duration added. |
Instant |
Instant.plus(ReadableDuration duration)
Gets a copy of this instant with the specified duration added. |
Instant |
Instant.minus(ReadableDuration duration)
Gets a copy of this instant with the specified duration taken away. |
Duration |
Duration.withDurationAdded(ReadableDuration durationToAdd,
int scalar)
Returns a new duration with this length plus that specified multiplied by the scalar. |
Duration |
Duration.plus(ReadableDuration amount)
Returns a new duration with this length plus that specified. |
Duration |
Duration.minus(ReadableDuration amount)
Returns a new duration with this length minus that specified. |
static long |
DateTimeUtils.getDurationMillis(ReadableDuration duration)
Gets the millisecond duration from the specified duration object handling null. |
DateTime |
DateTime.withDurationAdded(ReadableDuration durationToAdd,
int scalar)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified duration added. |
DateTime |
DateTime.plus(ReadableDuration duration)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified duration added. |
DateTime |
DateTime.minus(ReadableDuration duration)
Returns a copy of this datetime with the specified duration taken away. |
DateMidnight |
DateMidnight.withDurationAdded(ReadableDuration durationToAdd,
int scalar)
Returns a copy of this date with the specified duration added. |
DateMidnight |
DateMidnight.plus(ReadableDuration duration)
Returns a copy of this date with the specified duration added. |
DateMidnight |
DateMidnight.minus(ReadableDuration duration)
Returns a copy of this date with the specified duration taken away. |
Constructors in org.joda.time with parameters of type ReadableDuration | |
Period(ReadableInstant startInstant,
ReadableDuration duration)
Creates a period from the given start point and the duration. |
Period(ReadableInstant startInstant,
ReadableDuration duration,
PeriodType type)
Creates a period from the given start point and the duration. |
Period(ReadableDuration duration,
ReadableInstant endInstant)
Creates a period from the given duration and end point. |
Period(ReadableDuration duration,
ReadableInstant endInstant,
PeriodType type)
Creates a period from the given duration and end point. |
MutablePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant,
ReadableDuration duration)
Creates a period from the given start point and the duration. |
MutablePeriod(ReadableInstant startInstant,
ReadableDuration duration,
PeriodType type)
Creates a period from the given start point and the duration. |
MutablePeriod(ReadableDuration duration,
ReadableInstant endInstant)
Creates a period from the given duration and end point. |
MutablePeriod(ReadableDuration duration,
ReadableInstant endInstant,
PeriodType type)
Creates a period from the given duration and end point. |
MutableInterval(ReadableInstant start,
ReadableDuration duration)
Constructs an interval from a start instant and a duration. |
MutableInterval(ReadableDuration duration,
ReadableInstant end)
Constructs an interval from a millisecond duration and an end instant. |
Interval(ReadableInstant start,
ReadableDuration duration)
Constructs an interval from a start instant and a duration. |
Interval(ReadableDuration duration,
ReadableInstant end)
Constructs an interval from a millisecond duration and an end instant. |
Uses of ReadableDuration in org.joda.time.base |
Classes in org.joda.time.base that implement ReadableDuration | |
class |
AbstractDuration provides the common behaviour for duration classes. |
class |
BaseDuration is an abstract implementation of ReadableDuration that stores data in a long duration milliseconds field. |
Methods in org.joda.time.base with parameters of type ReadableDuration | |
boolean |
AbstractDuration.isEqual(ReadableDuration duration)
Is the length of this duration equal to the duration passed in. |
boolean |
AbstractDuration.isLongerThan(ReadableDuration duration)
Is the length of this duration longer than the duration passed in. |
boolean |
AbstractDuration.isShorterThan(ReadableDuration duration)
Is the length of this duration shorter than the duration passed in. |